Photo byHannah Busing onUnsplash
Holiday travel can be stressful; between all the deadlines, time off of work, kids home from school, and money-spent on gifts & travel. However, it's important to sit back, relax, and remember that this is the time to appreciate what we have and, more importantly, who we share it with. Our holiday road trip is ahead of us, so let's take this time to think of some ways to prepare for it.
Between the kids, the food, and the traffic, holiday travel can be a really tiring situation for us. We might not be able to control the traffic situation, but we can prepare ourselves for the other scenarios by considering a couple of things. Here are a few ways to prepare for your holiday travel.
Find A Playlist - A family road trip playlist can be an amazing way to build memories and fun experiences together. Create a playlist using Spotify, and add some of everyone's favorite music. If you don't have the time, listen to one of Spotify's pre-build playlists. Users create thousands and thousands of public playlists that anyone can access; try searching for something like "Holiday Road Trip Playlist" or "Family Road Trip Playlist."
Food-Proof Your Car - There is no better time to perfect and present your beloved recipes than the holiday season. When it comes time to transport your masterpiece, make sure that it's packaged safely and that you prepare & protect your car in case of any accidents. Consider storing the food in your trunk or securely somewhere on the floor of your vehicle; that way, if any spills happen, they don't damage your seats. Line the area with some plastic wrap before setting your food down and put it up and around your dish; this should keep everything safe and the food nice and warm.
Have Things For The Kids To Do - Family is the focus during the holidays, so let's keep those kiddos in a good mood while we head to Grandma's house for dinner. Bring a fun audiobook that everyone can listen to, charge their tablets and electronics, and bring some snacks to keep them happy on the road.
It is so easy to get caught up in the 9-5 rat race, going here and there and never taking the time to slow down and appreciate what we have around us. The holidays are about exactly that; slowing down and really living in the moment. Appreciate the wonderful bounty that you live in and share it with your family and friends while you are at it. Stay safe this holiday season, and head to your trusted auto repair center if you need help with your vehicle before the road trip.
We wish you a wonderful holiday season! Visit us at CARSTAR Robert's Collision & Repair in Monterey, CA, when you are in need of body repairs. Join us at our website and schedule an appointment when you need assistance with your vehicle! We are here to help you in any way we can, and we look forward to keeping you and your family safe on the road!