Posted on 5/11/2020

We can’t help but love spring; it is as if the world is waking up refreshed and renewed -- flowers are starting to bloom, the sun is starting to shine, and the animals are starting to come out of hibernation. For many of us, the start of spring is a signal for us to start to spring clean to get rid of any remnants of winter. Here are some tips on how to quickly and easily spring clean your family vehicle: First, start with your vehicle’s exterior. Start by washing your vehicle bumper-to-bumper twice in a row to make sure you get any and all dirt and debris on your car. Let’s get those tires sparkling by cleaning them with a tire-cleaning spray and brush. Don’t forget about the underbody of your vehicle. You would be surprised to learn how much grime and dirt can accumulate on the underbody of your vehicle during wintertime. When all finished, use a microfiber cloth to completely dry your vehicle. Now, you’re ready ... read more
Posted on 4/13/2020

Sometimes when we leave the hardware store we find ourselves looking at the lumber or carpet we purchased, compare it to the size of our car and realize that what seemed like a great idea in the store now poses a potential transportation issue. How far is too far? Well, this is an easy enough question to answer. You can hang items over the front of your vehicle up to three feet, four feet past the rear of your car and four inches on each side of your car. If you have items that overhang past four feet, it must be properly marked with a red flag on each side, the load needs to have some type of side marker as close to the front and rear, plus two reflectors. In reality, our cars and trucks won't really have a big issue with this, anything that much larger than your vehicle then a professional delivery will be a better option. If you need to use your personal vehicle to transport an item, then you will need to abide by the same laws that commercial trucks follow. Secure ... read more
Posted on 4/6/2020

How does moisture get into our headlights, anyway? No one wants to find moisture in their headlights, especially if you have invested in custom lights for your car. Finding moisture in your headlights doesn't mean your headlights are damaged or broken, or that you need to run out and buy a new pair. Fear not, although you may find a foggy cloud inside your headlights on occasion, they might still be just fine. Condensation that forms in your headlight is something that happens when the air outside of your headlight is cooler than the air inside the lens. If you drive around for a few hours, more than likely, the moisture will dissipate because your headlights have warmed up. Most headlights have tiny vents on the top and bottom of each headlight; for this reason, these vents will allow moisture to come in, and escape as needed. Have you special ordered new headlights, and received them, opened the package to find them fogged up? This can be a very distressing occurrence, and ... read more
Posted on 3/24/2020

Classic cars have a rumble and feel that most of us are eager to experience. There is nothing like it! If you are off on a big road trip, chances are you won't want to be spending long hours in a rumbling beast, so we have put together a list of products to help reduce road noise for you. Undercoating Undercoating is fantastic for many reasons, not only does it help seal up the underside of your car preventing new rust issues, it acts a bit like glue sealing up and creating a barrier, this barrier is suitable for sound dampening. Undercoating reduces road noise when properly applied to your car. Sound Deadening Mat This type of mat sticks on the inside of your car underneath your carpet. It can be tricky to install because you have to pull up your carpet to apply. However, you will be pleased with the results. This sound deadening mat performs well, absorbing the sound. Sound deadening mat is made up of a heavy, dense tar type of product. There are other brands that a ... read more
Posted on 2/24/2020

You are most likely aware that computers now monitor and control nearly every component of your vehicle. Depending on your experience and knowledge, you may think that a car's computer will "tell" you what is going on with your vehicle. Others believe that when a scan tool is like magic; when plugged into their car that the issue is reset, never to come back again. Some folks are terrified of the entire diagnosing process, and some use the computer diagnosis process to seem like an auto whisperer of sorts. The code reading process is quite simple when broken down. There is a scan tool called a DLC device (Diagnostic Link Connector). Many brands and types are available that have varying capabilities depending on quality. Simple scan tools are only code readers that scan your vehicle's memory for stored DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes). It is a common misconception that the DTC codes stored in your car's computer will tell you precisely what ... read more
Posted on 11/2/2019

Monterey Auto Repair Services You Can Trust at CARSTAR Robert’s Collision & Repair Looking for a reliable auto repair or collision repair service in Monterey? Turn to the experts at CARSTAR Robert’s Collision & Repair. Since 1996, we’ve proudly served the Monterey community with high-quality repairs and exceptional customer service. Whether it’s a routine auto repair or detailed collision repair, we’ve got you covered. At CARSTAR Robert’s Collision & Repair, we invest in state-of-the-art equipment and ongoing education for our technicians to ensure your vehicle is restored to factory-level condition. Your satisfaction and safety are our top priorities, and we believe in delivering nothing less than the best service in Monterey. In this blog, we’ll explore the essential qualities to look for in an auto repair facility, why consistent education is key for auto technicians, and the comprehensive ser ... read more
Posted on 8/26/2019

Unless it’s blinking, don’t panic! If it IS blinking, you shouldn’t drive it at all. It could mean imminent damage to your catalytic converter. In case you don’t know, catalytic converter repairs are expensive. They are the most expensive component of your emissions system. Every other component of your emissions system does their smaller part before handing it off to the catalytic converter to clean up your exhaust before it hits the atmosphere. If it’s blinking, still don’t panic. Instead, find the first safe place you can pull over and then call for a tow truck to get it to your trusted auto repair facility. This really is an indication that you could be in trouble and you don’t want to wait until your car breaks down in the middle of an intersection and your auto repair bill is astronomical before you react to that blinking light. If it’s not blinking, but it is on, you don’t need to immed ... read more
Posted on 8/5/2019

A curb can look innocuous, but even the small ones have the potential to cause you grief. If you drive, then it’s a matter of when not if when it comes to hitting a curb. Whether it’s bad weather, distracted driving, or another driver that causes you to swerve right into or over a curb, it can still cause significant unseen damage. The speed you were going, the angle at which you hit, and the height of the curb are all factors that will affect the extent of the damage to your vehicle. There’s no way to tell just by looking, and that is why you need to take into a professional mechanic to have it properly inspected. From tire and wheel damage to a completely wrecked suspension and other potential damage in between, once you’ve hit the curb, it’s important that you get your vehicle back on track. Tire damage: This might be the most notable. It wouldn’t be unusual for you to experience an immediate flat tire. Even if it&rs ... read more
Posted on 6/10/2019

We live in a time when it’s getting difficult to find a good auto mechanic or plumber or other tradespersons. Why is this? As a culture, we’ve always pushed our kiddos into pursuing a college education, and we’ve downplayed the intellectual abilities of anyone pursuing a career in the trades. If you took auto shop or woodworking in high school, it was usually because you were told that you weren’t smart enough to take college-level classes. This line of thinking is killing the trades even though we need qualified people to fill these roles just as much today as always. If you stop and think about it, don’t you want a smart auto mechanic? Of COURSE you do! We all do! There is a slow shift in our country’s perspective on intelligence. Considering that all intelligence tests were designed to test someone’s intelligence based on what the average white adult male knows, we’ve definitely missed the mark on actual intelligence. More and more to ... read more
Posted on 3/25/2019

Spring is here, and that means it’s time for some good old fashioned spring cleaning. That’s why April is perfect for National Car Care Month and if you can create the habit of regular maintenance for your car, you’ll help extend its life as well as maximize performance. We should all have cars that look as good as this classic Mercedes-Benz! Keeping your clean will also help to get the most out of your paint job and your interior. Extending the life of all parts of your vehicle is within your grasp! So much you can do on your own, but when you need help, Robert’s Collision & Repair is here to help with the more significant issues as well as being able to provide you with the very best in detailing service that you just cannot do on your own! When you are ready to start a routine for your car, begin with your owner’s manual! Funny how it hides behind all of the things you’ve shoved in there when making room for someone to sit in the passenger ... read more
Posted on 3/18/2019
Life might be a highway, but when you’re speeding along, you’re probably not getting the most out of your fuel consumption. Do you want to know some great ways to increase fuel efficiency? Everyone wants to save money, but oftentimes we throw it away because we are careless or just don’t know how best to do it. When it comes to fuel efficiency, here are some solid suggestions that has the power to improve yours 5-25%: 1. Don’t road rage. When you are flying past the guy that was just ahead of you or your slamming on your breaks, not only is that bad for your blood pressure, it’s also bad for your gas mileage. Set your cruise control so it keeps you even-steven. 2. We know this won’t work on the freeways, but keep in mind you get the best gas mileage when you’re going around 50 miles an hour. This is currently the best speed for the best gas mileage. We know that it won’t always matter ... read more
Posted on 1/14/2019

While the American culture isn’t as dog-friendly as some other parts of the world, the Americans who love dogs know just how special they are and that they are just as much a part of our family as any other member. In fact, research was just released that when we lose one of our furry family members, it can be just as devastating as losing a human member of our tribe. That’s why it’s important to keep our pals safe and well-cared for whether we are at home or in our cars. Here are some tips for travelling with your pal: Never leave them in the car. It’s easy to think that they are safe, yet temperatures rise quickly inside even if the windows are cracked open. It doesn’t take much for our cars to become way too hot for what our dog’s bodies can handle. In a one hour period, the temperature inside your vehicle can increase 40 degrees… on a 70 degree day, that’s 110! Yikes!! When traveling with our pets, make sure to pack for them ... read more
Posted on 1/7/2019
Those loyal to the brand would ask the question, why NOT drive a Mercedes-Benz? The automobile marque first appeared in 1926 although the history goes back to the first petrol-powered car receiving its patent in 1886. Karl Benz created it and Bertha Benz finance the venture. The slogan for the brand is “the best or nothing” and it really does show in every effort they make in design, technology, and drivability. So why else would one want to own and drive a Mercedes-Benz? To start with, did you know that driving a Mercedes Benz will make you live longer? Okay, well that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but at the same time, think about this: Mercedes Benz designs cars to make your life a nicer place to be. They are beautifully designed and engineered in a way to help you relax behind the wheel. So, in reality then, maybe driving a Merc really DOES help you live longer. You drive a Mercedes because you appreciate the finer things in life. You like to look ... read more
Posted on 1/7/2019
So, whaddya think of 2019 so far? We’re off to a roaring start here at Robert’s Collision & Repair and are looking forward to working with you whether it’s under the hood or for body work. Oh, and don’t forget we absolutely LOVE to detail your vehicle and do a great job helping you keep your paint job looking brand new! We’ve gone over this before, but since we love seeing all the beautifully well-maintained vehicles driving the streets of Monterey, we thought it was worth another post. Park out of the sun: whether a garage, carport, or structure, keeping your car out from under the harsh rays of the sun can go far in keeping your paint from fading out too soon. Park in the shade if the others are not an option and even consider going as far as buying (and using!) a car cover. If you insist on washing your own car, then take heed: use only the best products, spray down your car before you begin washing, wash and rinse in sections so thing ... read more
Posted on 12/31/2018
As we launch into the new year, it sure is fun to check out the latest and greatest zipping around our local roadways and this one sure demands our attention. The Chevy Corvette ZR1 hits hard as a true Ferrari contender. WHAT you say? Yup! Hop in and lets go for a ride. The reason it is able to hang with the big boys is that it has a dual fuel-injected supercharged 6.2-liter V-8 engine. 755 or raw horsepower under the hood doesn’t hurt either. Considering that the 2019 Subaru Forester boasts a whopping 182 horsepower… well, you get the idea. $120,000 should get you out the door and cruising down the coast with the top down on your new Vette. Corvette If you’re looking for an all-electric car that will go from 0-60 in 3.5 seconds then look no further than the 2019 Porsche Mission E sports sedan. This is a zippy little sports sedan with 600 horsepower that will help you to feel like you’re on the track instead of the highway. You won&rsqu ... read more
Posted on 12/17/2018
Elon Musk may be responsible for leading us into the electric revolution, but that doesn’t mean that he’s going to get the biggest slice of the pie and nor does it mean that the US is leading the pack. Time will tell for Tesla, but in the meantime, even the US is starting to see the impact of the electric car surge. I dare you to Google your favorite car and add a hybrid to the search. What did you find? Most likely, if it’s not already being produced, you were given time in the relatively near future as to when you could (just a fast) be driving a hybrid (if not completely electric) version. India, Britain, France and other companies have given deadlines of 2030 or 2040 as to when they will eliminate the sales of gas-powered vehicles. The United States is a little behind on their proclamation, but even this is most likely coming down the pike in the relatively near future. Some of the biggest obstacles holding back the advancement of the electric vehicle are ... read more
Posted on 12/10/2018
Monterey is such an incredibly beautiful part of the country. We are spoiled and that’s for certain. Spoiled by the unparalleled beauty that surrounds us, the weather that is beyond compare, and our local community that offers endless entertainment and delicious foods. Isn’t it nice to not have to shovel snow or put on a parka just to go outside and get the mail? “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” has a whole different meaning to the residents of Monterey and Monterey County, but we celebrate with no less fervency. From the various tree lighting celebrations to the ice skating that takes place in Custom House Plaza from now through January 6, we know how to get our holiday on. And let’s not forget the ever-popular Nutcracker performed this year by the Monterey Peninsula Ballet Theatre at the Sunset Center. Dining in this fair city is always a treat, but it’s wonderful to see the many restaurants that pull out all the stops to ... read more
Posted on 12/3/2018
In the wake of what seems like an endless California fire season, the team at Robert’s Collision & Repair would like to take a moment to stand in gratitude for everything we often take for granted. While we are grateful, we also grieve for all those who have lost so much in the devastation that continues throughout our Golden State. Below are some suggestions to help you be prepared in case of a wildfire heads into your neighborhood. What you can do before a wildfire is heading your way: Clear the brush away from your home at least 30 to 100 feet. Keep that same area free of debris and fallen leaves. Use only fire-retardant materials on for your roof, fencing, decking and any other structures close by. Keep a clear path of at least 10 feet in and around your propane tank and barbeque. When landscaping, selectively use a ground cover that will help contain fire instead of helping to make matters worse. Create a safety checklist and practice with your family w ... read more
Posted on 11/5/2018

Did you know that during the holiday season, road traffic can increase up to 25%? That’s more than any other time of the year and can mean longer travel times and more stress. At Robert’s Collision & Repair, we know how stressful this kind of travel can be, but we also know there are ways to make it better. Start by scheduling your vehicle’s regular maintenance. This way you’ll know that all of your fluids, belts, tires, battery and other important car parts are well prepared to get you where you want to go. Having regular maintenance performed can go a long way to keeping you safely on the road. Right before you leave, give a thorough once-over yourself: check fluids, the air pressure in all of your tires, check for anything stuck in your tires and test out your windshield wipers. Give yourself plenty of time and don’t be in a hurry. Have your favorite playlist ready to go to help keep you calm, happy, and to sing the entire way. Have your GPS ... read more
Posted on 10/22/2018

We all know that Halloween is a night full of ghosts and goblins and, of course, candy. We also all know that Halloween is a night we should use extra caution while driving through our neighborhoods, but let’s take a moment to refresh. First of all, if you and/or your child/children are walking the streets Halloween night, be on the defensive. You may have the cutest most awesome costume in the world, but especially if it’s a dark color, take a few precautions to ensure you are seen after dark. Whenever possible choose light colors for your costume; apply reflective tape all over (ok...maybe be generous but you don’t have to ruin the effect of the costume); use face paint instead of masks since they tend to limit vision; and carry a flashlight making sure it’s batteries are charged and that it’s actually on. Sometimes Captain Obvious is a good thing. For everyone walking in the dark, these are some good precautions: Stick to neighborhoods with sidewalks ... read more
Posted on 10/8/2018
Just like a human, sometimes your car gives you signs that things aren’t going so well and it’s time to bring your vehicle into Robert’s Collision & Repair before it gets worse. Sometimes, also like a human, they keep it to themselves and just keep moving along. The later situation is exactly why regular maintenance is so important as it gives our auto mechanics a chance to see what might be creeping up before it turns into a real problem. The following, however, is a short list of the sounds that are telling you to get ‘er done sooner than later. Squealing or grinding noise coming from the brakes. Squealing or screeching can mean a worn pad. When it starts grinding, you’re usually talking about metal on metal… pads are gone. You never want to mess with your brakes. The longer you wait, the more dangerous it becomes to drive, because your brakes are no longer working at maximum capacity. AND the longer you wait for the more it’s going to ... read more
Posted on 9/24/2018
You know you’re having a bad day when… Anyone of these items on the list below is cause for at least a partially challenging day, but it could ALWAYS be worse, right? The good news is that you have an awesome auto repair shop just around the corner at Robert’s Collision & Repair in Monterey and while we are very adept at repairing collision damage, we’d much rather see you for easy to fix problems like the top auto repair problems we do see on a regular basis: Dead battery: Ugh! The car won’t start! Maybe it’s because you left your car door slightly ajar and the interior lights drained your battery or it simply might just be the end of the long life of your car battery. Lost keys: Well, we don’t usually see people for lost key issues, but this can be frustrating nonetheless. What we do recommend is keeping an extra set of keys at home and if you’re like some of us, you might want to keep an extra one in your purse, pocket, or ... read more
Posted on 9/17/2018
Apparently, there are PLENTY of people around the globe who will pay that and more! For more than 99% of the world’s population, however, that’s an event that is difficult to even begin to conceive. Bugatti, Lamborghini, Aston Martin… those are just a few in the million-dollar club. McLaren stands among (in not above) them and brings its own uniqueness to the lineup. In 1953, at the age of 15, Bruce McLaren retrofitted an Austin 7 Ulster (all on his own!) into a racing spec and won his first ever race. By the time he hit 22, he became the youngest race car driver to ever win a formula one race in history. In 1963 he began his own company; Bruce McLaren Motor Racing, LTD. At the time, it was all about the racetrack, but Bruce had a vision of bringing racing technology to street cars. He was a dreamer and a visionary. In 1970 when the first street McLaren was in the prototyping stage, he died in a crash while testing a new race car. The McLaren M6GT prototype wa ... read more
Posted on 9/10/2018
What do you think about when buying a car? Money is usually the number one consideration, but safety falls right in behind. The average American will be in 4 automobile accidents in their lifetime. Knowing that makes a person want to find a car that is not only cost-effective, reliable, but SAFE! So, what makes a car safe? A lot more goes into answering that question than most people think: Seat belts: adjustable upper belts to adjust for a person’s size; seat belt pretensioners to take the slack out (almost instantly) in a crash; energy management features to let the seat belt adjust during a crash to take the load off certain areas; rear center seat belts for those stuck riding in the middle. Airbags: front and side impact airbags should be used in conjunction with seat belts. Keep kiddos out of the front seat when an airbag can actually cause harm due to the height of a child. Keep 10 inches or more distance between you and the front airbag. Anti-lock br ... read more
Posted on 7/9/2018
What American does not LOVE a Corvette?? Okay… there may be a couple, but they are few and far between. This car represents the American dream, baby. Sleek in design and fast on the road, able to hug the tightest curves and, damn, do you look good in the driver’s seat! Let’s go back to 1953 when Chevrolet drove its first Corvette off the assembly line. $3,490 would have put you in one of the 300 Corvette’s produced that first year. They were all white convertibles with red interior and a black canvas top. This was the first all-fiberglass-bodied American sports car. If, by chance, you happen to have one of these originals hanging out in your garage, it currently carries a low estimated value of $187,000 and a high value of $363,700. Back in 2014, one sold at auction for $660,000! That one was in pristine condition and still had pretty much everything original down to its spare tire and had less than 10,000 miles on its speedometer. A Corvette rep ... read more
Posted on 5/21/2018

Proving that even a serious German automobile giant like Porsche has a sense of humor, just take a look at a news release the company issued on April 1, 2018: Porsche announces Mission E Tractor Plugging into the future of all-electric agriculture. Porsche AG is delighted to announce the latest addition to the Mission E model line. Following the successful debut of the Mission E Cross Turismo at the 2018 Geneva International Motor Show, Porsche is heading even further off road with the all-electric Mission E Tractor. This bold vision for 21st Century agriculture blends design cues from Porsche’s original mid 1950s tractors with the same advanced digital connectivity and 800v fast-charging architecture that powers the Mission E. With a power output in excess of 700hp, the Mission E Tractor will be the fastest accelerating agricultural vehicle in the world, enabling farmers to harvest crops in record time with the added environmental benefits of ... read more
Posted on 2/26/2018

When the now-completed roundabout project was first announced, it was met with skepticism. But since its completion, the newly-designed intersection has significantly reduced the bottleneck of traffic that was a daily nuisance on the Holman Highway/Highway 1 merge. Experienced drivers are having no trouble navigating the feature, and even first-time drivers seem to get the hang of the technique quickly. For those who have not driven through a roundabout before, the City of Monterey and The Transportation Agency for Monterey County produced a fun video demonstrating how it’s done. Click on the photo below to watch it: There are now roundabouts in other areas of the Monterey Peninsula, including Marina and some Monterey neighborhoods. And transportation officials are considering more--most notably on the always congested Highway 68 corridor between Monterey and ... read more
Posted on 1/29/2018

Getting a new car is a big step and one of the biggest purchases we make in our lifetime. There are many components that need to be considered before purchasing that vehicle that suits your needs and lifestyle. Here are some important steps to takes that could make the car buying process faster, safer, and cheaper. 1. Research the car and features There are a vast array of websites that have pictures and descriptions of available automobiles currently on the market. Peruse these sites and see which vehicle feels like it could be the right fit. 2. Get preapproved for a loan A car loan that's preapproved gets you one step further to getting your dream car. You'll end up getting a sense of what you can afford. You'll be able to compare the interest rates with the financing plans that dealerships offer. Checking out the loan applications on bank websites will give you more of an idea of the process. Be prepared to have inform ... read more
Posted on 9/18/2017
Here at Robert’s Collision & Repair in Monterey, CA, several of our customers ask us about our use of aftermarket parts vs. factory parts. Each auto repair we do brings unique opportunities to use parts that are straight from the factory or parts that are made by other vendors. Here’s an overview of our philosophy on aftermarket parts versus factory parts. When it comes to auto body repair, we strive to always restore your vehicle back to factory standards. That is why we have all the equipment, spot welders, and alignment racks and so forth here at our 26,000 square foot facility. Depending on the age of your vehicle, we may order parts straight from the factory or dealership -- especially if your vehicle is newer and these parts are readily available. But if your vehicle is older or less common, we may have to purchase parts from a parts dealer that works with junkyards to find a matching part. Sometimes the use of aftermarket parts is dictated by your insurance comp ... read more
Posted on 9/1/2017
September 2017 Special: 10% discount on labor up to $100 for any mechanical repair or service. Offer valid through September 9, 2017. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. In honor of Labor Day, we want to celebrate by offering our clients a 10% discount up to $100 for any mechanical repair or service. Call it a labor of love, but we want our customers to know how much they mean to us, and that is why we are discounting 10% off labor up to $100 for any mechanical repair or service. What could you do for your vehicle that would qualify for this offer? Here are a few mechanical repairs or services that could extend the life of your vehicle and save you money at the same time: Drive belt replacement Transmission oil service Power steering fluid service A/C system check & charge Coolant flush With all the back to school activities and preparations for a busy Autumn, doesn’t it make sense to take advantage of our September o ... read more
Posted on 6/19/2017

For many families, the car gets a lot more mileage during the summer than during the fall, winter, and spring. As many field trips and daily commutes as there may be, the road trips to visit family and four-wheeling up to the very best camping site are far more rigorous for most vehicles. That’s why we recommend scheduling a trip to see us at Robert's Collision and Repair as soon as possible so that we can check out your car from top to bottom. We want to make sure you don’t get any surprise breakdowns coasting along 17-Mile Drive. So to prep for summer, it’s good to know what the most frequent culprits for summer breakdowns are. From our experience, here are the most common reasons that cars come to us at Robert’s Collision & Repair in Monterey for repairs during the summer: Overheated Engine Repair During the warmer season, your car has to work even harder to keep the engine cool, which results in many engines overheating very quic ... read more
Posted on 5/1/2017
May 2017 Monthly Offer -- $25 Off repairs totaling $150 or more in labor expenses. Offer valid through May 30, 2017. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. If you need help saving money during the month of May, take advantage of our monthly offer: $25 off repairs totaling $150 or more in labor expenses. This offer includes important things your car needs, like: Shocks & strut replacement Axle (CV) boot replacement Brake replacement Spark plug & wires replacement Timing belt replacement Folks, don’t miss out on this major money-saving opportunity! If you’ve been putting off auto repair for a while now because you think it’s going to be expensive, now is the ideal time to bring your vehicle in. To take advantage of this May monthly deal of $25 off repairs totalling $150 or more in labor expenses, schedule an appointment with our Service Department at 831-373-1534 and mention this offer. We ... read more
Posted on 2/27/2017
The deafening grinding and desperate sputtering failure of a car that has just about had it. We know the dread setting feeling well at Robert’s Collision & Repair, and we also know just how to alleviate the dread so you can get moving again. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to talk you through it! But what exactly is going on when that engine just won’t start? Well, as you may have guessed, there are many answers to this question. We’ll address a few of the most common reasons cars don’t start so that you can have a bit of peace in understanding what’s going on. First off, listen carefully to what exactly happens when you turn that key (or push that button)! If the engine doesn’t crank at all, that is more likely an electrical problem. Spark plugs, wiring, battery, etc. Malfunctioning security systems can also be the culprit, preventing you from starting the car. However, if you turn the key and it does crank before spu ... read more
Posted on 6/22/2015
Robert’s Collision & Repair is the premier auto repair center on the Monterey Peninsula for a good reason: Excellent Auto Repair Processes. To the average customer, what they see at an auto repair facility is how well the staff interacts with them, that they drop off their vehicle in one condition, and that they pick up their vehicle in better condition. However, there is so much more that goes into the auto repair process. From simple mechanical repair to extensive auto body repair, Robert’s Collision & Repair is always striving to excel in the following processes: Communication at each step of the repair to keep customers informed. Documented workflow processes to make the repair work more efficient. Checklists and verification processes with each step of the process. Clear internal communication dealing with everyday issues and case-specific challenges. Two way communication with each Insurance company to make certain the customer gets the best possible aut ... read more
Posted on 1/19/2015
You are driving along, and suddenly, your vehicle’s check engine light starts flashing. What does this mean, and exactly what should you do next? Basically, check engine lights monitor your car’s performance. When that light is on, your car has diagnosed an electronic-control system and is unable to repair it. The check engine light means different things for different models of car, so start reading your car’s manual. The problem in your vehicle’s engine may be a small one or something more worrisome. It is important to take care of the problem as quickly as possible. Bring your car into Robert’s Auto Repair as soon as the check engine light begins to flash. When the check engine light comes on, it, usually, signifies one of the following reasons: Oxygen sensor needs replacing: If you do not replace this, you can lose up to 40% of fuel in the long run. Something is wrong with the gas cap: If you let a faulty gas cap go unnoticed, you, most likely, be making extra trips to the gas s ... read more
Posted on 10/14/2013
Una de las cosas más comunes a las que las personas no le prestan la debida atención e importancia es al servicio y reparación de los frenos de sus autos. El sistema de frenos es el sistema pasivo más importante de un vehículo no solo porque nos ayuda a disminuir la velocidad a la que conducimos y a parar cuando es necesario, pero también porque nos ayuda a prevenir accidentes en una situación de emergencia. Generalmente el sistema de frenos es bastante confiable siempre y cuando se le de el servicio y mantenimiento debido. Por lo general es recomendable que le den un diagnostico o un servicio a los frenos de su auto cuando se le da un servicio general a un automóvil. De esta manera se evita el desgaste del sistema de frenos, se previenen las fallas, y mas importante aun, se puede prevenir un accidente. Una de las señales de que los frenos de un auto necesita atención, servicio o mantenimiento son vibración cuando se pisa el freno, si se oye algún chillido al momento de frenar, si el a ... read more
Posted on 2/11/2013

Unless you’ve visited the backlot of Robert’s Auto Repair, chances are you have not personally seen our state-of-the-art wheel alignment machine. This wheel alignment machine does some really cool stuff to make your vehicle meet factory standards, including: It features 3D cameras that match the alignment based on the car, and not influenced by the platform The measurement system is equipped with double digital cameras and four target disks, supplying revolutionary measurement mode There is no electronic component, so the wheel alignment will not have a component failure problem The Software system is easy to operate and completes the conventional basic parameters within two minutes, which is significantly faster than conventional aligners. So, what does this cool wheel alignment machine do for you? It allows us to get our job done quickly and efficiently so you can get back out on the road more quickly. If your vehicle needs a wheel alignment, contact us to schedule an appointment. R ... read more
Posted on 8/30/2010
They say the devil is in the details, but we, at Robert's Auto Repair, believe that its the details that make us special. Customer Service Details--we pay attention to the little details about your vehicle, your needs, and we pride ourselves on our customer service. We even go to the trouble to wash your vehicle before we return it to you and text you when your vehicle is ready for pick-up. Atmospheric Details--our facility is beautiful, clean, and has plenty of natural lighting coming in through the skylights. The lovely atmosphere of our facility makes it easier for all of us to pay attention to the details. Our Detailing Center Details--our detailing center staff are sticklers for details, for sure. They are meticulous about making sure the repairs, touch-ups, and painting are done correctly and beautifully. Mechanical Details--we use factory-specified, precision instruments to make sure your alignment is straight, that anything damaged is lined up ... read more