Posted on 3/28/2022

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash Why We Partner With GEICO Insurance. We like to feature one of our partners in our "Partner Spotlight" blog each month. This month, we have the pleasure of introducing one of our longtime partners GEICO Insurance. We partner with many different insurance providers to bring you the greatest value we can in Monterey County, and GEICO is one of the best. Why We Love GEICO First of all, it comes down to legacy and consumer trust. GEICO has been in the insurance business since 1936, making them a time-tested American-born insurance provider. With almost a century in business helping people navigate some of life's mo ... read more
Posted on 3/21/2022

Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash What Can I Do To Fix My Car After A Collision? It’s an unfortunate fact that driving is one of the most dangerous things we engage in daily. A lot of us overlook just how common collisions are. While we pray and hope that we never have to deal with one, it’s good to prepare and have a plan for if we do. Every year, new drivers enter the road space. Young people with little to no experience on the roads carry a good amount of anxiety with the beginning experience. It’s good to take some time to educate them about road safety and good practices; before you let them fly on their own. Beyond that, let’s discuss some of the details of how you can come back from a co ... read more
Posted on 3/14/2022

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash Tire tread is often an overlooked aspect of vehicle maintenance, yet it plays a crucial role in ensuring safety on the road. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of tire tread, what it is, how it can get damaged, the symptoms of worn tread, and a simple test you can perform at home to check your tire tread depth. What is Tire Tread? Tire tread refers to the pattern of grooves and channels on the surface of a tire that makes contact with the road. This design serves several purposes, including providing traction, dispersing water to prevent hydroplaning, and enhancing overall stability and handling. Ways Tire Tread Can Get Damaged: Wear and Tear: Over time, the friction between the tire ... read more
Posted on 3/7/2022

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash The Importance of Fluid Exchange It isn’t just our oil that we need to worry about, our vehicles run several types of fluid, and all of them play an important role in keeping us on the road. Our vehicles contain brake fluid, engine coolant, engine oil, transmission fluid, differential fluid, and more. The loss of fluid from month-to-month use of a car is more than most people might think. Monterey Country sees its share of variables that affect our fluids between the salty coastal air, dusty agricultural roads, and moist driving conditions. Our vehicles have filters that help sift out some of the airborne particulates and other things that might enter our fluid systems ... read more