Every April, the Monterey Peninsula comes alive when the City of Pacific Grove shuts down Lighthouse Avenue for two days to accommodate Good Old Days, a truly locals-friendly community event that incorporates food, arts and crafts, live music, a classic car show and--best of all--a good old-fashioned parade complete with marching bands, fire engines, and kids.
Locals flock to this event, as it marks the first big event of the season. People see friends they haven’t run into since the previous fall (at the other bookend to the summer season, the West End Celebration in Sand City) and celebrate the fact that they are privileged to live in such a wonderful place. It’s an event for all ages and all tastes. Kids love the petting zoo, pony and carnival rides and the parade. Teens like hanging out on the midway watching dance demos, munching delicious fair food…and the parade. Adults love the fireman’s Challenge, the Beer and Wine Garden (with its own live music), the artist’s selling their wares…and the parade. Everyone loves the live music, the famous Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast, the YMCA Fair, the Quilt Show, the people watching…and the parade.
For the car-minded, the classic car show is a must-see. It’s kind of a mini-Car Week, without the crowds. For more information visit the Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce website: www.pacificgrove.org.