Posted on 9/18/2023

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash 3 Essential Steps to Prepare Your Vehicle for Fall Weather Your safety means the world to us. As the days grow shorter and the temperatures start to dip, it's time to get your vehicle ready for the challenges of fall weather. At CARSTAR Robert's Collision, we understand the importance of ensuring your car is well-prepared for the changing seasons, and we're here to help you make the transition smoothly. While we don't experience extreme winter conditions in sunny California, the shifting weather can still affect your vehicle's performance later this year. Whether you plan to hit the road for holiday travel or stay closer to home, taking the time to prepare your car for fall can save you from unexpected issues down the road. So, let's dive into three crucial steps to prepare your vehicle for the upcoming fall seaso ... read more
Posted on 9/11/2023

Photo By Wes Hicks on Unsplash How To Prepare Your Vehicle For Rainy Conditions Rainy weather can be challenging for drivers, and we want to help you stay safe on the road while protecting your vehicle from potential damage. As an established auto shop, it is our priority at CARSTAR Robert's Collision to help you understand how to maintain your vehicles for optimal performance and safety. That's why today, we'll dive into the essential topic of preparing your vehicle for rainy conditions. We’ll discuss the impact of rain on vehicles, tips for preparing your vehicle for rain, and give you insider tips for maintaining the safety of your vehicle! The Impact of Rain on Vehicles Before we delve into the preparation tips, it's crucial to understand how rainy conditions can affect your vehicle. Rain can creat ... read more
Posted on 8/21/2023

How Do My Brakes Work & How Can They Help Me Avoid A Collision? Brakes are essential to any vehicle, ensuring your safety on the road. They allow you to slow down or bring your vehicle to a complete stop whenever necessary. Understanding how your brakes work and their role in collision avoidance is vital for every driver. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of the brake system and how it contributes to your safety on the road. Introduction When you press the brake pedal, a series of complex mechanisms come into play, converting your foot's force into stopping power. The brake system works by transforming kinetic energy into heat energy, effectively reducing the speed of your vehicle. Let's delve deeper into the brake system and its various components. Understanding the Brake System Brake Components The brake system comprises several key components, including brake pads, rotors or drums, calipers, brake lines, and the master cylinder. Each ... read more
Posted on 6/15/2020

Photo by Jim Strasma on Unsplash Before having kids, you may well have kept your car in fantastic condition. But kids can be rough on vehicles, especially when they’re young and don’t know any better. While they’ll (hopefully) understand how to keep the car cleaner as they get older, here’s a list of 5 tips and tricks from the team at CARSTAR Robert’s Collision & Repair to help kid-proof your car. Organize, Organize, Organize There are a million gizmos and gadgets on the market to keep your car neat and tidy. Still, the biggest lifesaver when you have kids is knowing where everything is in your vehicle. But before you can figure out where everything is, you need somewhere to put ... read more
Posted on 2/10/2020

The dread of finding a new check engine light on in your car can be stressful. Luckily for you, the auto repair experts CARSTAR Robert's Collision and Repair in Monterey are experienced in troubleshooting and are here to take your worries away. Check engine lights come on for a variety of reasons. Before you get stressed out, check your gas cap, some sensors monitor for vapor leaks and will throw a code for merely not having your fuel cap adequately secured. Of course, a blinking check engine light could also mean something as serious as engine misfire, which needs to be addressed by a professional right away to avoid permanent damage to your engine. You want to pay attention to your check engine light; it is connected to your vehicle's emission system, explicitly designed to monitor it throughout the life of your car. Emission systems and engines in your car are directly tied together, which means the health of one can indicate the health of the other, so pay ... read more
Posted on 7/15/2019

When you’re driving around Monterey, or anywhere else for that matter, it’s important that you can stop when you too and in a timely manner. It’s easy to let brakes go and to keep pushing off getting them taken care of because we always think we can get just a little bit more out of them. We often worry that it’s going to be an expense that we don’t want to have to prioritize right now. The thing is, though, that your brakes are often your first line of defense out on the road and it’s never worth risking your life or the lives of others. So whether you're a race car driver or just an average driver, it's never a good idea to let your brakes get to the smokin' stage! Watch out for these signs and don’t wait to have them looked at by a trusted professional: Squishy pedal Squeaking while braking or even sometimes when baking up Pedal bouncing while coming to a stop off of the freeway (or any significant speed) Pedal going to ... read more
Posted on 5/7/2018
For those drivers possessed of a lead foot, the speeding ticket is an annoying—and expensive—fact of motoring life. And they’ve been around for a long time. Englishman Walter Arnold has the distinction of the being the first motorist to receive a ticket. On January 28, 1896, he was cited for driving at the breakneck pace of eight mph in a two-mph zone. That set him back one shilling. The first American was Jacob German, a New York cabbie. He got nailed for zooming along at 12 mph on Lexington Avenue. He didn’t get off as easily as Arnold though: he had to serve time in the hoosegow. Transportation departments all over the world have devised many ways to keep drivers from exceeding the speed limit, including new, high-tech methods. Some municipalities utilize automated radar units that capture car’s license numbers, register its speed and send the driver a nastygram in the mail. Doesn’t seem quite fair. Several places around the world have come up w ... read more
Posted on 4/23/2018

The Hidden Dangers of Driving on Empty: Why Keeping a Full Tank is a Safety Must It happens to the best of us. You’re on the road, tackling a busy day, and suddenly that “Low Fuel” warning light blinks on. It might be a bright light, a beep, or just a needle hovering over “E.” Whatever the signal, it’s easy to think, “I’ll just make it a few more miles.” But is it worth the risk? While some drivers may consider a low fuel tank a minor inconvenience, running on empty can actually pose significant safety risks—not only for your vehicle but for everyone on the road. The Risks of Running Low on Fuel • Stranded in Unsafe Situations: One of the most immediate dangers of running on low fuel is the risk of being stranded unexpectedly. Whether it’s a dark stretch of highway, an isolated backroad, or an area with low cell service, running out of gas can leave yo ... read more
Posted on 1/29/2018

Getting a new car is a big step and one of the biggest purchases we make in our lifetime. There are many components that need to be considered before purchasing that vehicle that suits your needs and lifestyle. Here are some important steps to takes that could make the car buying process faster, safer, and cheaper. 1. Research the car and features There are a vast array of websites that have pictures and descriptions of available automobiles currently on the market. Peruse these sites and see which vehicle feels like it could be the right fit. 2. Get preapproved for a loan A car loan that's preapproved gets you one step further to getting your dream car. You'll end up getting a sense of what you can afford. You'll be able to compare the interest rates with the financing plans that dealerships offer. Checking out the loan applications on bank websites will give you more of an idea of the process. Be prepared to have inform ... read more
Posted on 1/8/2018
Automobiles in 2018 are safer than they've ever been. Technological advancements have made cars able to protect the people who drive them. Seatbelts, traction control, airbags, as well as more modern-day developments have also protected vehicle owners since they were implemented years ago. Automobile manufacturers have been adding even more features that offer safety. This includes semi-autonomous lane departure warnings, active emergency braking, and rear-view cameras. Automakers have even started to make pop-up hoods that protect pedestrians. Here are 3 of the safest passenger automobiles in the United States in 2018: SUBARU IMPREZA This redesigned all-wheel-drive is secure and stable on the road and also has many safety features. The Impreza has automatic reverse braking, a rearview camera, and blind spot detection. Due to the high ratings for its crash prevention system, collision protection, and headlights, the Impreza was the recent winner of the Insurance ... read more
Posted on 11/20/2017
A lit up check engine light could mean a lot of things. Perhaps it’s a small issue or it could indicate the problem is more serious. If your car is not surging smoke, chances are that you are not in immediate danger. The check engine light is there to keep car drivers aware of engine irregularities and sensory malfunctions. The vehicle’s onboard computer, or engine control unit (ECU), can adjust to make sure that the engine is running efficiently. What do you do when the sensor is getting a bad reading and that “pesky” check engine light turns on? It’s best to have a professional auto mechanic take a look at your vehicle when your check engine light comes on. They’ll use a code reader that plugs into the vehicle and gives a report. In some cases, there may be an easy solution and you can remedy the problem yourself. For example, not tightening your car’s gas cap all the was could result with a flashing check engine light. If you have ... read more
Posted on 11/6/2017
No matter what type of car you own, the significance of preventative maintenance is absolutely essential. The team at Robert’s Collision & Repair feels that all responsible car owners need to be very mindful of preventive maintenance. Our highly skilled auto mechanics are happy to inspect your vehicle to see if any repairs should be done to prevent malfunctions, dangerous situations on the road, and hefty costs down the line. Safety Preventative maintenance lets drivers have some peace of mind because it’s comforting to know that your automobile is in good working order. For example, if your brakes are inspected regularly, you’ll know that they are operating within safe operating limits. If you wait until something goes wrong, you’re putting yourself, your passengers, and other drivers on the road at risk. Extend lifespan of car Preventative maintenance is one of the easiest things you can do to prolong the life of your vehicle. When you ... read more
Posted on 10/30/2017
Halloween is here and with it come the added dangers of excited goblins running in the streets in their dark costumes. Robert’s Collision & Repair reminds you that trick-or-treaters can be indecisive and impulsive, and their costumes may hinder their peripheral vision. Please be careful and follow these Halloween safe driving tips: Drive at least 5 mph below the posted speed limit to give yourself extra reaction time should children dart into the street. Keep an eye out for pirates and princesses walking in streets, on medians and curbs. Look out for children crossing streets. They may not be paying attention to traffic and could run out from between parked cars in the middle of the block. Be careful entering driveways and alleys. A quick reminder that Halloween may bring out some little devils. If your vehicle is egged or otherwise affected, bring it to Robert’s Collision and ... read more
Posted on 10/23/2017

It’s Halloween costume time. This year, give your car some Halloween spirit with a costume of its own. Take a look at some of the creative ideas below. You can find more Halloween vehicle costume ideas here: When your vehicle requires auto repair and scheduled maintenance, we invite you to visit Robert’s Collision & Repair at 234 Ramona Avenue in Monterey, CA, right off of Del Monte Blvd. and Highway 1 in Monterey. If you have questions, give us a call at 831-373-1534. You’ll be glad you did
Posted on 7/31/2017

Living in scenic Monterey, California, means that we don’t need to travel far to find a stunning ocean sunset view. But have you ever checked out what’s under the water? If not, you are missing out! Scuba diving is popular in Monterey, and through many areas in about a 2-hour radius from Seaside. It’s worth the exploration if you have the time and can rent the gear to explore! For those who have never “taken the plunge” and explored scuba diving before, California has hundreds of miles of coastline to explore! Scuba diving can be a stunning, once-in-a-lifetime experience, but it can also become your new favorite sport. One way to explore several different scuba diving locations is to create a road map of places to visit with stunning scuba diving locations. Traveling along the coast of California for scuba diving is worth it! Since you’re already on your road trip, you might as well keep going! Here are some of the premier spots for diving ... read more
Posted on 7/17/2017

In Monterey, we are so lucky to have such beautiful beaches and deep waters right in our backyard. Whether you’re headed to any beach along the coast of Marina, Seaside, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Carmel-By-the-Sea, and Big Sur, you know you’re in for a beautiful view. At Robert’s Collision and Repair, we’ve got a few things figured out about what to bring to those beach trips to make the most of them! Of course, there are the beach trip standards, which include: towels, beach blanket, cooler, umbrella, sunscreen, etc. Having lived near the ocean for so long, we’ve got the inside scoop on things you might not have thought of but will make all the difference for your beach trip. That’s why we’ve made this list of beach hacks and car accessories to keep in your car for the next time you head to the shore! Bike Rack If sun tanning and swimming isn’t your thing, you can still enjoy a bike ride along the beach. We recommend t ... read more
Posted on 6/1/2017
June 2017 Monthly Offer -- Free Brake Inspection. Offer valid through June 30, 2017. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. Do your brakes stop on a dime? If yes, you’re in good shape. However, if your brakes are acting sluggish, or creep along when you push down on the pedal, we encourage you to take advantage of our Free Brake Inspection during the month of June. A free brake inspection can mean a big difference in your vehicle’s safety. When you come in for a free brake inspection, we will: Measure material of brake pads/shoes Measure thickness of brake rotors/drums Visually inspect for damaged/overheated brake components Check hydraulic system for leaks, brake fluid condition, and fluid level Check operation and condition of parking brake Visually inspect all brake system components such as calipers, master cylinder, hoses, seals, etc. With all the summer road trips you have planned, doesn’t it make ... read more
Posted on 5/8/2017

Monterey has some of the best produce around to offer, but the key is knowing where to find them! Most Farmer’s markets in the area are a safe bet, but finding the best roadside stands can be a bit trickier. Here are a few suggestions for produce stands and farmer’s markets from a few Monterey locals here at Robert’s Collision and Repair. The Farm in Salinas Valley. This produce location even has it’s own web page! Del Monte Produce is a local produce stand with three different locations, the nearest one in Monterey at 2400 Del Monte Ave. in Monterey. Valley Produce and Spice is a regular produce stand at 399 Reservation Road in Marina. Finally, there is a handful of produce stands along Highway 101 in Gilroy. You’ll roll past several different p ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2017
April 2017 Monthly Offer -- $10 Off Service. Offer valid through April 30, 2017. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. It’s Tax Time, and in an effort to help our customers save money, we are offering a flat $10 off service. Which service? Any service. It doesn’t matter if it’s an oil change or a major 60,000-mile service. We are willing to knock $10 off any service you need. Yep, that’s how we help you stretch your dollars so you can pay Uncle Sam and remain safe on the road, all at the same time. This offer is good for the month of April only, so don’t miss out on this grand opportunity to save. To take advantage of this special $10 Off Service, schedule an appointment with our Service Department at 831-373-1534 and mention this offer. We look forward to seeing you soon!  
Posted on 1/2/2017
For us, it’s become a tradition to share a few New Year’s Resolutions with you. Sometimes resolutions are tough to stick to, but these 5 simple car care routines are quick and easy to maintain. Little reminders to do the simple things to keep your car running until next year! 1) Get your car washed regularly This is one of those little things that fall to the side after a while. Keeping your car washed and clean can help maintain visibility and extend the life of your paint coat! 2) Check the oil Making sure you always have enough motor oil in the engine is a simple thing to check, and cheap to maintain. And it’s great for your engine! 3) Check your tires Just a couple extra minutes in the morning, make sure your tires aren’t going flat on you. You can even use the penny trick! 4) Take it in for maintenance Yes, we know. You hear this all the time. Even still, we can’t stress enough how important regular maintenance like oil changes are to the life ... read more
Posted on 12/19/2016
We have witnessed many of our customer's cars suffer damage from hitting the curb. When the winter roads are slick, you are more likely to, unfortunately, hit the curb. It may seem as if this is a small mistake, but it can, in fact, inflict lasting damage on your vehicle. If you have hit the curb recently, we recommend contacting Robert’s Collision and Repair, so we can have a look at your vehicle: Even if you are going as slow as 5-10 mph, the impact from the curb can damage your tires and wheels. When you hit a curb, you are jolting the connection between your steering system and wheels. The damage to this system can inhibit your ability to steer, especially during winter. Hitting a curb can shock your car’s knuckles, spindles, and axles. This can upset your car’s control system and suspensions. The steering knuckle has two parts: the wheel hub and the spindle. When you hit a curb, you can damage this important component of your veh ... read more
Posted on 10/10/2016

The rainy season is around the corner. This means we need to make sure our wipers are in tip-top shape. It is easy to forget about our windshield wipers, compared to our car’s brakes or transmission. For clear visibility, you must stay vigilant and take care to replace your windshield wipers as needed. It is important to keep an eye on our windshield wipers. When you notice these signs, we recommend contacting Robert’s Collision & Repair to schedule a windshield wiper replacement: Streaking left on the glass. Your windshield wiper makes noises when in use. When operating, your windshield wipers slightly bounce. Sometimes windshield wiper replacement will not solve the problem, so it begs the question: What exactly is wrong with my windshield wipers? There can be a myriad of issues causing your wipers to act up. However, this is a common issue we see our customers struggling with. Their windshield wipers work perfectly fine on the intermi ... read more
Posted on 8/28/2016
The kids are all back in school by now. Is your vehicle prepared for back-to-school safety? According to the National Safety Council, there are several things you can do to help your kids stay safe as they travel to and from school. Obey all traffic signs. This may seem pretty basic, but there are plenty of people who assume that traffic signs don’t apply to them. They disobey the traffic signs by not stopping at a stop sign, not yielding at a yield sign, ignoring Do Not Enter signs, and so on. Don’t be one of those people who risks the safety of others by ignoring signs. Please, obey all traffic signs, for they were put there for the safety of everyone. Don’t text and drive. Yes, you may be in a hurry and yes, you may feel like communicating via text while driving, but don’t do it. It’s too risky for you and everyone in your vicinity. Your focus should b ... read more
Posted on 8/21/2016

Going on a road trip with your family is quite the adventure. It takes quite a bit of preparation but creates a bunch of wonderful memories to share with your family. No road trip is complete without a customized playlist. To help you prepare for your road trip, we have compiled a list of our favorite summertime songs: Boys of Summer by Don Henley In the Summer by Crystal Fighters Summertime by Janis Joplin Who Loves the Sun by the Velvet Underground Sun Hits the Sky by Supergrass What I got by Sublime Dreaming of You by the Coral She’s a Rainbow by Rolling Stones Pumped up Kicks by the Foster People Summertime by Girls California Dreamin’ by the Mamas and the Papas The Chain by Fleetwood Mac Time to Pretend by MGMT Sunrise by Yeasayer Sunny Afternoon by the Kinks Surfin U.S.A. by the Beach Boys California Girls by the Beach Boys Summer of 69’ by Bryan Adams School’s Out by Alice Cooper Same Dream China by Gold Panda Along with ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2016
10% Off Labor for Tire Rotation Service. Offer valid through August 31, 2016. One coupon per visit. Not valid with other specials and offers. Did you know that tire rotation can extend the life of your tires up to 20 percent? That means if you have tires that are rated for 50,000 miles, you may be able to squeeze an extra 10,000 miles out of them if you rotate those tires at the factory’s recommended rate. To extend the life of your tires, take advantage of our monthly special in August: 10% Off Labor for Tire Rotation Service. Our tire rotation service is not only good for your tires, but it’s good for your vehicle, too. Yes, a tire rotation allows us to inspect the health of your tires, but it also alerts us to other issues that may be going on with your vehicle. For example, the wear on your front tires may indicate under inflated tires, or worn out struts. Seeing what is going on with your tire wear means that we could pinpoint potential ... read more
Posted on 6/6/2016
Why not start summer off with a fun road trip through Monterey County? Monterey County is home to beautiful, scenic drives, and June is the perfect time to take advantage of it. We have compiled a list of Monterey County’s top road trips: Highway One: Known to be the best scenic route in Monterey County, Highway One is a road trip not to miss. In fact, it has been named one of the top scenic drives in the world. This road is literally in our background. Why not enjoy it? 17 Mile Drive: 17 Mile Drive has earned a reputation for being one of the most beautiful places in the world. From gazing upon magnificent mansions to beautiful beaches, 17 Mile Drive has a little something for everybody. Old Coast Road: Before Highway One, this road was the only way to get into Big Sur. This historic road is similar to a time-machine. It will transport you back to the olden days, complete with a single lane dirt road and beautiful s ... read more
Posted on 5/31/2016
This year’s car show and festival season are just around the corner. Is your car in tip-top shape, both exteriorly and interiorly? Our team would be delighted to answer that question. When you bring your vehicle in Robert’s Collision and Repair, our team will: Detail and wash your car to perfection. At our 26,000 square foot facility, we will thoroughly detail your vehicle. Your car’s paint will sparkle. Your wheels and tires will shine. Your car’s carpet will smell and look fresh. Our detailing service is the ultimate facial for your beloved vehicle. We boast the latest and most advanced technology in the industry to service and repair your vehicle. From digital photo imaging to computerized paint mixing, we have it all, and we are not afraid to use it. Your car will in pristine condition for the upcoming show and festival season. Does your vehicle need new tires? Look no further than Robert’s Collision & Repair. Our tire center is here t ... read more
Posted on 3/7/2016
Some people question if regular oil changes are really necessary. Depending on the vehicle, owners can feel that oil changes are pricey and a little inconvenient. Well, in our humble opinion, skimping on your oil changes is “penny wise and pound foolish”. For those unfamiliar with what goes on in the engine compartment when infrequent oil changes take place, here are a couple of eye-opening videos that will help you better understand the importance of regular oil changes. Though we did not create these videos, we are happy to share this useful information. Video 1: Why It Is Important To Change Your Oil We feel this mechanic’s video is right on the money. However, if you are using synthetic oil, you may only need to change it every 6,000 miles. Video 2: What Happens When You Don’t Change Your Oil Part 1 This video clearly shows all the work needed to remove the sludge made by the dirty oil ... read more
Posted on 9/13/2010
Creep....creep....creep.... Ever notice how your brakes might slip a little and creep forward when you're at a stop? Yep, that's when you know you need to come to Robert's Auto Repair for a FREE brake safety inspection. Don't let soft and sloppy brakes put you or your precious cargo in harm's way...especially as you start off the school year. If you have any of these things happening with your vehicle, it's time to come in for a FREE brake safety inspection: Your brake pedal shifts levels after you've had your foot on it for a while. Your brakes are making any kind of noise. Your brakes feel soft and sloppy. Your vehicle wants to creep forward into a crosswalk. If it's been a while since you've had your brakes checked. If any of this sounds familiar, don't wait long before contacting Robert's Auto Repair for a FREE brake safety inspection at 831-373-1534. In order to get your FREE brake safety inspection, make sure you mention this blog. Otherwise, you may be charged for your Brak ... read more